Methods and procedures used in identifying wetland boundaries during wetland delineation.

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Using Redoximorphic features

Using Redoximorphic features to identify the wetland boundaries during Wetland delineation.

The key principle in identifying wetlands during wetland delineation is the presence of water, especially when the water table is at or near the surface or the land is periodically covered with shallow water.

The variations in the extent of saturation of wetlands mean that the presence of the water table (or extent of flooding) will not always be a very reliable parameter for identifying wetlands. Thus the key criteria for classifying wetlands – a high water table and/or periodic inundation – cannot be reliably measured.

  In soil that has been saturated for an extended time, roots and micro-organisms gradually consume the oxygen present in pore spaces in the soil. In an unsaturated soil, oxygen consumed in this way would be replenished by diffusion from the air at the soil surface. However, since oxygen diffuses 10 000 times more slowly through water than through air, the process of replenishing depleted soil oxygen in a saturated soil is significantly slower. Thus, once the oxygen in a saturated soil has been depleted, the soil effectively remains anaerobic. Prolonged anaerobic soil conditions result in a change in the chemical characteristics of the mineral elements of the soil, and these manifest visibly through changes in the soil colours. Thus although a high water table or the periodicity of inundation cannot be easily measured directly, it is possible to assess the soil properties for indications of saturation – by examining for the redoxymorphic features which result from prolonged anaerobic conditions.

The two important redoxymorphic features are mottling and gleying (Figure 3); both features caused by prolonged saturated conditions in the soil and the subsequent development of anaerobic conditions.

Gleying is characterised by the development of grey or blueish-grey colours in the mineral soil component. Certain soil components, such as iron and manganese, are insoluble under aerobic conditions. Iron is one of the most abundant elements in soils, and the iron oxide (rust) coatings over soil particles is responsible for the red and brown colours of many soils. However, under prolonged anaerobic conditions iron becomes soluble and can thus be dissolved out of the soil profile. Once most of the iron has been dissolved out of a soil, the soil matrix is left a greyish, greenish or bluish colour, and is said to be gleyed.

Mottling follows the same initial process as gleying, in that the iron becomes soluble and dissolved under anaerobic conditions. A fluctuating water table, common in wetlands that are seasonally or temporarily saturated, results in alternation between aerobic and anaerobic conditions in the soil. Lowering of the water table results in a switch from anaerobic to aerobic soil conditions, causing dissolved iron to return to an insoluble state and be deposited in the form of patches, or mottles, in the soil. Recurrence of this cycle of wetting and drying over many decades concentrates these bright (orange or red) insoluble iron compounds. Thus, soil that is gleyed but has many mottles may be interpreted as indicating a zone that is seasonally or temporarily saturated.

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Gleyed soil is characterised by the development of grey or blueish-grey colours in the mineral soil component. Mottling, occurring under conditions of a fluctuating water table, is the development of small patches of concentrated (usually red or orange) iron oxides.

The site is classified as wetland if these indicators are located within 50cm of the original soil surface. (i.e. in the case of developed sites, the predevelopment or pre-infilling level of the soil

Another, albeit invisible, indicator of wetlands soils is odour. Sulphate, which is present in soil, can, like iron, similarly be reduced under the anaerobic conditions associated with saturated soils. The sulphate changes to hydrogen sulphide, a gas which has a rotten egg odour. This odour is often associated with saturated conditions; particularly in soils with high organic matter content as these provide high levels of sulphate

In practice the redoxymorphic features in the soil are used as the primary indicators, since the colours of various soil components are a reliable indicator of wetland soils. An additional benefit of gleying and mottling is that, unlike vegetation, these redoxymorphic indicators can be used on disturbed sites and can be sampled at any time of year (unlike vegetation

In order to standardize wetland assessments (specifically the assessment of gleying and mottling), a Munsell chart 2 should be consulted. If the following grey, dry Munsell colours are present within the top 50cm of the soil, the site qualifies as a wetland soil of either a temporary, seasonal or permanent nature:

  • If hue is 2.5Y, then values of 5 or more and chroma values of 2 or less; or values of 6 or more and chroma values of 4 or less.
  • If hue is l0YR, then a value of 4 and chroma values of 2 or less; or values of 5 or more and chroma values of 3 or less; or values of 6 or more with a chroma of 4.
  • If hue is 7.5YR then values of 5 or more with a chroma of 2 or less; or values of 6 or more with a chroma of 4 or less.
  • If hue is 5YR, then a value of 5 and chroma values of 2 or less; or values of 6 or more and chroma values of 4 or less.
  • If hue is 5Y, then values of 5 or more and chroma values of 2 or less.


• Using Vegetation

Using Vegetation to identify the wetland edge or boundaries during wetland delineation.

 Some plant species can only grow in wetlands and are called obligate wetland plants. These are shown in Table 2.  These species can be used as diagnostic indicators of wetlands. Other plant species may preferentially occur within wetlands, but can also rarely be located outside of the legally defined wetland zones.  These species are termed facultative species (Table 2), and whilst these are useful indicators in the field, such species are regionally or even locally specific (possibly being within wetlands of one region but outside wetlands in another region) and thus the interpretation of facultative species requires a significant degree of expert knowledge.

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Table 2:  The classification of plants according to occurrence in wetlands (based on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Indicator Categories of Reed (1988).

The classification of plants according to occurrence in wetlands (based on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Indicator Categories of Reed (1988).

Thus, with the exclusion of obligate wetland species (listed in Appendix C), when using vegetation indicators for wetland delineation, more emphasis should be placed on the group of species that dominate the plant community, instead of a specific indicator species.

 Thus, the presence of dispersed individual plants of an upland plant species in a community dominated by wetland species is not scattered to conclude that the area is not a wetland. 

The existence of obligate wetland species in an area confirms the wetland status of the site, the existence of a few wetland facultative species in a community dominated by upland species is not a sufficient basis for concluding that the area is a wetland.  Facultative wetland species are usually found in wetlands, but may also occasionally be found in terrestrial areas.


The main target of wetland delineation is to identify the boundaries of the wetland (outer edge of the temporary zone).   More information is needed from site and understanding of the temporary, seasonal and permanent zones of a certain wetland. A wetland delineator may require this information on some project sites.

 To an extent, it’s possible to characterize these zones basing on the types of hydrophilic vegetation they support

Table 3:   shows a summary of the vegetation indicators which may be expected in the different wetness zones. 

The boundaries of a wetland, that is to say the outer edge of the temporary wetland zone, would be expected to be dominated by facultative wetland vegetation species (Table 3).

The basic approach to using vegetation to delineate wetland boundaries, or to verify the edges  as  indicated  by redoxymorphic  features,  is  to  assess  the  site according  to the  presence of  obligate  wetland  species,  and the  presence and  dominance of  facultative wetland  species Check  for  the  presence  of  any  obligate wetland  plants  (as  listed  in Appendix  C).   In  addition,  rushes  and  all  sedges  (with  the  notable  exception  of  Cyperus esculentus  and  Cyperus  rotundus,  which  are  commonly  occurring  weedy  sedges that  occur  extensively  on  disturbed areas  inside  and outside  of  wetlands)  can  be considered  to  be  at  least  facultative  wetland  species  (unless  indicated  as obligates  in Appendix  C) The  site  should  further  be  assessed  based  on  the  practitioner‟s  local  expertise  to identify  any  other  local  or  regional  facultative wetland  species.

To identify wetland areas using vegetation:

1)  The  presence  of  wetland  obligate  plant  species  can  be  considered  to  be diagnostic  of  wetland  conditions  (Appendix  C  provides  a  provisional  list  of obligate  wetland  plants  for  South  Africa,  denoted  by  the  province  in  which  they can  be  expected).

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2)  For  other  areas  of  the  site  which  may  not  have  readily  identifiable  obligate wetland  plants,  the  zones  should  be  assessed  for  the  dominance  of  facultative wetland  plants.

a) Where  more  than  50%  of  the  zone  is  covered  by  facultative  wetland plants  in  either  the  wood  or  herbaceous  layers,  clear  signs  of  wetland indications can  be  assumed.

b) Where facultative  plants  are  present,  but  their  cover  is  less  than  50%  of the  zone,  this  can  be  assumed  to  indicate  possible  wetland  conditions. Confirm  with the  redoxymorphic  features  in the soil. c.  Where  no  facultative  plants  are  present,  this  can  be  assumed  to  indicate an  absence  of  wetland  conditions.  However  remember  that  if  the  degree of  saturation/inundation  of  the  wetlands  has  been  reduced  (e.g.  through artificial  drains  or  reduced  flooding  from  upstream),  then  the  vegetation  is likely  to  indicate  conditions  less  wet  than  what  historically  occurred. Confirm  that  there  are  no  redoxymorphic  features  in  the  soil  before confirming the  terrestrial  status  of  such  sites.

Combining the indicators to delineate the edge of the wetland

The  decision  as  to  whether  a  particular  area  qualifies  as  a  wetland  is  based  on  the number  of  wetland  indicators  it  displays.  The  edges  of  a  wetland  are  established  at  the point  where  these  indicators  are  no  longer  present.  While  some  wetlands  display  all  of the  indicators  under  undisturbed conditions,  the  critical  question  is:  “what  is  the  minimum set  of  indicators  that  need to  be  present  in order  to  qualify  an  area  as a  wetland?”   Sole  reliance  on  any  one  indicator  as  the  determinant  of  wetlands  can  sometimes  be misleading.  Many  plant  species  can  grow  successfully  both  in  and  out  of  wetlands,  and soil  wetness  indicators  may  persist  for  decades  following  alteration  of  the  hydrology  of  a wetland.  The  presence  of  multiple  indicators  provides  a  logical,  defensible,  and  technical basis  for  identifying  an  area  as  wetland,  but  an  area  should  display  a  minimum  of  either redoxymorphic  features  or  wetland  vegetation  indicators  in  order  to  be  classified  as  a wetland.  Verification  of  the  terrain  unit  and  soil  form  indicators  may  increase  the  level  of confidence  in deciding  the boundary,  but  these  indicators  are  not  diagnostic.


An  area  should  display  at  least  redoxymorphic  features  or  wetland  vegetation  indicators in  order  to  be  classified  as  a  wetland.  The  redoxymorphic  features  should  be  within 50cm  of  the  soil  surface.   The  presence  of  both  vegetation  and  redoxymorphic  indicators  increases  the  confidence and  precision  of  the  delineation,  but  these  may  not  always  occur  simultaneously  at  all sites.

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