Steps and procedures taken when conducting wetland delineation

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The objective of the delineation procedure is to identify the outer edge of the temporary zone of the wetland. This outer edge marks the boundary between the wetland (the water resource) and adjacent terrestrial areas

The findings of wetland delineation should be three, they include;

  1. Boundaries. The wetland and tributary boundaries should be clearly marked in the field with wetland flags to aid in agency verification.
  2. Map for wetland delineation. The map must clearly describe the boundaries for each wetland where wetland delineation is to be carried out, the location of all data points and the area of investigation.
  3. Report. Wetland delineation report is a final description showing the delineation method, results, pictures, climatic conditions before and during the time of delineation and data forms where the findings were recorded.

Process of wetland delineation.

Choose an appropriate date

Wetland delineation should be performed after the start of the growing season and before the first vegetation killing frost. These seasons vary from state to state.

See also  What is wetland delineation?

Collect in office resources for review.

The size of the project doesn’t matter whether large or small, the wetland delineator must prepare for the project by making research on the area. Mapping products like soil maps and aerial photographs are used to find aquatic resources.

The vital products available include;

  • Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) soil survey maps
  • Topography
  • Comparative local or state-level maps that exist for wetlands
  • National Wetlands Inventory – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
  • Aerial photographs

Note, for small size projects a wetland delineator needs only maps.

Determine the approximate topography roughly.

This is done using all available wetland data about the site.

Preparation of field Equipment and tools to be used in wetland delineation by wetland delineator.

Before you go for wetland delineation, here is the checklist of field equipment that you need to accomplish your work with ease and professionally, they can be grouped into personal protective equipment (PPE), tools and materials, they include;

The personal protective equipment (PPE) needed by a wetland delineator include;

  • Gumboots or other water proof shoes
  • Reflector jacket
  • Rain jacket
  • Backpack(bag)
  • Hat
  • Sun goggles
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Bug spray

Tools and equipments needed by a wetland delineator to carry out wetland delineation.

  • Water proof note book
  • Soil knife
  • Smart phone
  • Water proof camera
  • Munsell soil color charts
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) unit
  • Plant hand book for plant identification.

Material required for wetland delineation include;

  • Wetland delineation flags
  • Wetland delineation tape


Don’t forget to go with food and water that will enable you to survive for some good days

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Having collected in office resources, field equipment and any other required data described above, after all this, a wetland delineator is ready to go to the project site and start wetland delineation.

When you arrive on site, walk the all wetland observing the surrounding vegetation, review locations from a resource mapping and begin wetland delineation from a point.

Below are the practical procedures a wetland delineator should follow when doing wetland delineation.

1. Using vegetation to determine wetland boundaries during wetland delineation.

Start by Walking the entire wetland observing the vegetation in it

Take note of the vegetation species that you are seeing, to determine the species of vegetation around you, touch and feel them. For example, sedges have edges so when you touch them you do feel the edges. Not all sedges are found in wetlands but most of them grow there. To determine the hydric indicator status of the species, identify the type of sedge.

Identify more other vegetation species, some will be upland vegetation while others will be wetland vegetation. When you locate an area where the dominant vegetation is hydrophytic (vegetation that usually grows in wetlands), that means you are on the right track of identifying the boundary of the wetland.

2. Using Soil sample indicator (Redoxymorphic features) for determining of wetland boundaries during wetland delineation.

  1. Dig a hole into the ground of depth 18-24 inches and remove the soil from the hole.
  2. After removing soil from the hole, the soil profile on one side should be clearly seen from top of the hole to bottom
  • Observe hydrology with depth water table depth and saturated soils.
  • Observe soil to determine the presence or absence of hydric soil characteristics
  • Identify any disturbances
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3. Identify soil color using Munsell Soils Color Chart book;

Hue – main color of the soil sample (Red (R), Yellow-Red (YR), Green (G), Green-Yellow (GY) etc.)

Value – light and darkness of the soil sample (value indicates with a number like 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 etc.

Chroma – purity or strength of the soil color (value indicates with a number, typically in the range of 2-14)


4. Determine soil texture using the soil triangle or feel analysis flow chart.

5. Place the pink wetland delineation flag into the ground near where the hole was dug, signifying the location of the soil profile sample and record this point into GPS using GPS unit.

During wetland delineation the wetland delineator has to note the temperature for example lower or higher than normal and rainfall for example drier or wetter than normal

Wetland delineation report writing.

Wetland delineation report is a final description showing the delineation method, results, pictures, climatic conditions before and during the time of delineation and data forms where the findings were recorded.

The wetland delineation report should have the following contents;

  • Site description and purpose of the wetland delineation
  • Wetland delineation descriptions and methods. Definition, methodology, hydrophytic or wetland vegetation, hydric or wetland soils, hydrology
  • Results – Description of the wetland identified and regulatory considerations
  • Tables, figures and appendices

When the draft report is complete the project owner (land developer or land lord) engages in a wetland regulatory agency to review and confirm the results.

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