Things you should know about premium fuel?

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Premium fuel is the type of gasoline that contains octane level of 91 and above, 93 octane and 91octane are the most common versions of premium gas sold at gas stations in the United States of America, gasoline with octane level 93 is called super or ultra-gas. It produces less pollution and keeps the engine of your car clean.

For cars bought from Europe, it is possible to find RON 95 or RON 98 in user’s manual as the type of gasoline for the car engine. RON 95 and RON 98 are octane grades, these are calculated in a different way than those of United states. RON 95 is somehow equivalent to 87 octane and RON 98 is equivalent to 94 octane but 93 octane typically suits.

What is regular fuel?

It is also called unleaded fuel; this is the most commonly used fuel for vehicles

Regular gas is gasoline with octane level of 87, gasoline with octane level of 89 is called midgrade gas by some gas stations.

Unleaded fuel or regular fuel doesn’t have lead compounds that makes it environment friendly and less hazardous to human health as compared to leaded fuel.

Difference between premium fuel and regular or unleaded fuel?

Premium fuel has octane rating of 91 and above while regular or unleaded fuel has octane rating of 87 and below.

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Premium fuel increases the performance of an engine which requires premium gas while unleaded or regular gas decreases the performance of an engine that requires premium gas.

Premium fuel reduces knocking of the car engine that requires premium fuel while regular fuel increases the risk of knocking for a car that requires premium fuel.

Premium fuel is more expensive than regular or unleaded fuel.

Premium fuel keeps the engine of the car that requires premium fuel clean as compared to regular gas.

What is octane rating?

explosion. Ignition of fuel with high octane rating (premium fuel) is never accidental, it is always ignites as planned by the manufacturer.

Accidental fuel ignition in the car engine is called engine knocking or preignition.

Engine knock is a small unplanned error in normal engine cycle of a vehicle, which can lead to engine damage and reduction in performance over time. Frequent and significant engine knocking reduces the life time of your car engine.

Some modern cars today have knock sensors to avoid engine from knocking, these sensors detect engine knocks leading to the changing of the timing or spark plug to prevent engine knocks.

cars with engine knock sensors which require premium fuel are less likely to get engine knocks or engine damage when regular fuel is used.

Take your vehicle to the nearby service center when you hear engine knocks whether you use premium or regular fuel for diagnosis.

When should I use premium fuel in my car?

To decide whether to use premium fuel or regular fuel, two words are put into consideration; recommended and required.

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Required; You have to use premium gas when the owner’s manual of your car indicates premium fuel as the required gas, cars that require premium fuel have turbochargers, high compression engines and other high-performance aspects, to avoid loosing these high performance capabilities premium fuel has to be used. These vehicles require premium fuel because premium fuel has high octane rating of 91 to 93, it can be compressed and heated to higher degrees without self-ignition leading to high performance including acceleration. If a car is run on regular fuel or low-grade fuel and it requires premium fuel, it leads to a number of effects including slow acceleration.

In case an engine that requires premium fuel is given regular gasoline or lower octane gasoline, it will cause bad effects to the engine and its performance.

Recommended; When the owner’s manual of your car recommends premium gas, you can either use premium or regular gas.

Vehicles that just recommend premium gas as the fuel for the vehicle, there may be a small improvement in the performance when premium fuel is used.

If your car does not require premium fuel don’t worry when you use regular or low-grade fuel.

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