What you should know about Flash Point Data Fields

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A. Definition of Flash Point

Flash point refers to the lowest temperature at which a volatile substance can produce a flammable vapor that, when combined with air, can ignite and sustain combustion. The flash point is an important physical property used to determine the degree of safety and risk associated with the handling, transportation, and storage of flammable substances.

B. Importance of Flash Point in Different Industries

Flash point is a critical parameter in various industries such as petroleum, chemical, and pharmaceuticals. It is crucial to determine the flash point of a substance before transporting, storing, or handling it to prevent accidents or explosions. The flash point of a substance also helps in selecting suitable storage containers, transportation methods, and handling procedures.

C. Different Methods Used to Determine Flash Point

There are several methods used to determine the flash point of a substance, including the Cleveland open cup method, Cleveland closed cup method, Pensky-Martens closed cup tester, Abel flash point apparatus, and Tag open cup method. In this blog post, we will focus on the Cleveland open cup method, Cleveland closed cup method, and Pensky-Martens closed cup tester.

II. Flash Point Data Fields

Flash Point Data Fields refer to the numerical values obtained from the determination of the flash point of a volatile substance using specific test methods. Flash point data fields are typically reported in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit

Flash point data fields are used to record and store information about the flash point of volatile substances. These fields contain numerical values that represent the lowest temperature at which a substance produces flammable vapors that can ignite and sustain combustion. The purpose of these data fields is to provide a reference point for safe handling, storage, and transportation of volatile substances.

B. Different Data Fields Used to Record Flash Point Information

There are different data fields used to record flash point information, including the ASTM D56 data field, ASTM D93 data field, and ASTM D3278 data field. The ASTM D56 data field is used to record the flash point of volatile liquids that have a flash point below 37.8°C, while the ASTM D93 data field is used to record the flash point of liquids that have a flash point above 37.8°C. The ASTM D3278 data field is used to record the flash point of solids.

C. Importance of Accurate Data Fields

Accurate flash point data fields are crucial in determining the safety and risk associated with handling, storing, and transporting volatile substances. If the flash point data fields are not accurate, it can result in accidents or explosions that can cause harm to people and the environment. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the data fields are correctly recorded and maintained.

Purpose of Flash Point Data Fields

The purpose of Flash Point Data Fields is to provide important information about the potential flammability and fire hazard properties of volatile substances. This information is used to classify substances according to their degree of danger, and to develop appropriate safety procedures and handling guidelines for these substances.

Flash Point Data Fields can be used to determine the minimum safe handling and storage temperatures for volatile substances, and to determine whether they are suitable for transport or storage in certain types of containers or vessels.

 Additionally, Flash Point Data Fields can be used to comply with safety regulations and guidelines established by regulatory agencies, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT), in order to prevent accidents, fires, and explosions in workplaces and transportation systems.

Significance of Flash Point Data Fields in Chemical Industry

Flash Point Data Fields are particularly significant in the chemical industry, where volatile substances are commonly used in manufacturing processes, transportation, and storage. In the chemical industry, the handling and storage of flammable and combustible substances requires strict adherence to safety regulations and guidelines in order to prevent accidents, fires, and explosions that can have catastrophic consequences.


Flash Point Data Fields are used to determine the minimum safe handling and storage temperatures for volatile substances, as well as to determine the appropriate type of container or vessel for transport or storage. In addition, Flash Point Data Fields can be used to develop appropriate safety procedures for the handling and storage of volatile substances, such as the use of personal protective equipment and the establishment of appropriate ventilation systems.

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Moreover, regulatory agencies, such as OSHA and DOT, require chemical manufacturers and other companies to provide accurate Flash Point Data Fields for all volatile substances used or produced in the workplace, and to comply with strict safety regulations for the handling, storage, and transportation of these substances. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in significant fines and penalties, as well as reputational damage to the company.

Overview of Different Flash Point Data Fields

There are several different Flash Point Data Fields that are commonly used in the chemical industry to describe the flammability and combustibility characteristics of volatile substances. Some of the most common Flash Point Data Fields include:

  1. Closed Cup Flash Point: The Closed Cup Flash Point is the lowest temperature at which the vapors of a volatile substance can be ignited when the substance is contained in a closed vessel. This data field is commonly used to determine the flammability of fuels, solvents, and other volatile liquids.


  1. Open Cup Flash Point: The Open Cup Flash Point is the lowest temperature at which the vapors of a volatile substance can be ignited when the substance is exposed to air and contained in an open cup. This data field is commonly used to determine the flammability of paints, varnishes, and other coatings.


  1. Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point: The Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point is a specific method for determining the Closed Cup Flash Point of a volatile substance using a specialized apparatus. This data field is commonly used in the petrochemical industry to determine the flammability of fuels, lubricants, and other petroleum-based products.


  1. Tag Closed Cup Flash Point: The Tag Closed Cup Flash Point is another method for determining the Closed Cup Flash Point of a volatile substance using a specialized apparatus. This data field is commonly used to determine the flammability of solvents, thinners, and other industrial chemicals.


Each of these Flash Point Data Fields provides valuable information about the flammability and combustibility characteristics of a volatile substance, and is used in different applications within the chemical industry.

III. Cleveland Open Cup Method

The Cleveland Open Cup (COC) method is a commonly used laboratory technique to determine the flash point of liquids with a flash point above 79°C and below 400°C, such as biocides. This method involves heating a test liquid in an open cup at a controlled rate while introducing a small flame to the surface of the liquid at specified intervals to ignite any vapors that may be present. The flash point is the lowest temperature at which the vapor above the liquid surface ignites and continues to burn for at least 5 seconds.

B. Procedure for Determining Flash Point Using Cleveland Open Cup

To determine the flash point of a liquid using the Cleveland Open Cup method, the following procedure is typically followed:

  1. About 70 ml of the test liquid is poured into the Cleveland Open Cup apparatus.
  2. The cup is then placed on a heating device and a thermometer is inserted into the cup so that the bulb is located just below the surface of the liquid.
  3. The temperature of the liquid is then raised rapidly by applying heat until the temperature is approximately 25°C below the expected flash point.
  4. The temperature is then raised slowly at a rate of approximately 2-6°C per minute, while continuously stirring the liquid with a small stirrer.
  5. At regular intervals, a test flame is applied to the surface of the liquid using a flame source, such as a small gas flame.
  6. The test flame is moved around the edge of the cup and gradually lowered towards the center of the liquid until a flash is observed.
  7. The temperature at which the flash is observed is recorded as the flash point of the liquid.
  8. The procedure is typically repeated several times to ensure accuracy and reproducibility of the results.

Note: It is important to note that the Cleveland Open Cup method is only suitable for liquids with a flash point above 79°C and below 400°C. For liquids with a flash point outside of this range, other methods, such as the Tag Open Cup method or the Pensky-Martens Closed Cup method, may be used.

C. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cleveland Open Cup MethodHeading Text Here


  • The method is simple and straightforward.
  • It is suitable for a wide range of materials with flash points within the applicable range.
  • It is relatively inexpensive and requires minimal equipment.



  • The method is not suitable for materials that are highly viscous, solid or semi-solid at room temperature.
  • The open cup apparatus used in this method is not suitable for materials with flash points below 79°C.
  • The results obtained may be affected by atmospheric conditions such as humidity and barometric pressure.

Factors Affecting the Determination of Flash Point Using Cleveland Open Cup

There are several factors that can affect the determination of flash point using the Cleveland Open Cup method. These include:

  1. Sample Volume: The sample volume used in the test can affect the accuracy of the flash point determination. Too much sample volume can cause the temperature to rise too quickly, resulting in an inaccurate reading. On the other hand, too little sample volume can lead to incomplete vaporization, which can also affect the accuracy of the measurement.
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  1. Rate of Heating: The rate at which the sample is heated can also affect the flash point determination. If the sample is heated too quickly, it can cause the temperature to rise too rapidly, resulting in an inaccurate reading. Conversely, if the sample is heated too slowly, it can take longer to reach the flash point, which can also affect the accuracy of the measurement.


  1. Atmospheric Conditions: The atmospheric conditions in the laboratory can also affect the determination of flash point. For example, if the laboratory is too hot or too humid, it can affect the accuracy of the measurement. Similarly, if there is a draft in the laboratory, it can affect the temperature reading.


  1. Calibration of the Apparatus: It is important to calibrate the apparatus regularly to ensure accurate flash point measurements. This includes checking the accuracy of the thermometer, ensuring that the test flame is of the correct size and temperature, and verifying that the apparatus is functioning properly.


  1. Contamination of the Sample: The presence of contaminants in the sample can also affect the determination of flash point. For example, if the sample contains water or other volatile impurities, it can affect the temperature reading.

It is important to control these factors during flash point determination to ensure accurate and reliable results.

IV. Cleveland Closed Cup Method

The Cleveland Closed Cup method is another common technique used to determine the flash point of a liquid. It is a more advanced version of the Cleveland Open Cup method and is suitable for testing liquids with flash points between 0°C to 110°C. In this method, a small cup made of brass or steel is used, which has a lid that can be tightly closed.


The procedure involves placing a small volume of the sample in the cup and then heating it gradually in a controlled manner until a test flame is passed over the surface of the liquid. The temperature at which the test flame ignites the vapor above the liquid surface is recorded as the flash point of the liquid. The closed cup method is more accurate than the open cup method, as the closed cup prevents heat and vapors from escaping, allowing for a more precise measurement of the flash point.


This method is also standardized by various organizations such as ASTM International, the European Union, and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

B. Procedure for Determining Flash Point Using Cleveland Closed Cup

  1. Take a clean and dry Cleveland Closed Cup apparatus and fill it with the test sample up to the fill line.
  2. Place the cup on a heating plate with a temperature controller, and attach a thermometer to the cup to measure the temperature.
  3. Lower a heating element or a stirring device into the cup, and adjust it so that it is approximately 3 mm above the surface of the sample.
  4. Heat the sample gradually at a rate of approximately 5°C per minute, while stirring it continuously with the heating element or stirring device.
  5. Observe the sample for the appearance of a flash, which is a sudden, brief burst of flame from the surface of the sample, followed by the extinguishing of the flame.
  6. Record the temperature at which the flash occurs as the flash point of the sample.

Note that the exact procedure may vary depending on the specific instrument used and the standards being followed. The ASTM D93 method provides a detailed description of the procedure for determining flash point using the Cleveland Closed Cup method.

It’s important to note that the specific procedure for the Cleveland Closed Cup method may vary depending on the standard or guideline being followed, and it’s important to follow the instructions carefully to ensure accurate results

C. Factors Affecting the Determination of Flash Point Using Cleveland Closed Cup

There are several factors that can affect the determination of flash point using the Cleveland closed cup method, including:


  1. Sample Volume: The size of the sample being tested can affect the flash point measurement. A larger sample may take longer to heat up and ignite, resulting in a higher flash point.


  1. Rate of Heating: The rate at which the sample is heated can also affect the flash point measurement. Heating the sample too quickly or too slowly can result in inaccurate results.


  1. Stirring: Stirring the sample during the test can help ensure that it heats evenly and that any vapors are evenly distributed, leading to more accurate results.


  1. Ambient Temperature and Pressure: The temperature and pressure in the testing area can also impact the flash point measurement. It’s important to maintain a consistent ambient temperature and pressure during testing to obtain reliable results.


  1. Calibration: The calibration of the equipment used in the test, including the thermometer and ignition source, can also impact the accuracy of the flash point measurement. Regular calibration is necessary to ensure accurate results.


By controlling these factors, the determination of flash point using the Cleveland closed cup method can be accurate and reliable, allowing for informed decisions regarding the safe handling and transportation of flammable liquids.

Advantages and disadvantages of Cleveland Closed Cup Method

Some advantages of using the Cleveland Closed Cup method for determining flash point include:

  • It is more accurate than the open cup method because the closed cup limits the amount of vapor that can escape during the test, leading to more precise results.
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  • The method can be used for samples with lower flash points than the open cup method, as it has a lower detection limit.


  • The closed cup method is considered to be safer than the open cup method because the enclosed vessel prevents the potential for the release of flammable vapors during the test.


However, there are also some disadvantages to using the Cleveland Closed Cup method:


  • The apparatus required for the test is more complex and expensive than the open cup method.


  • The test procedure is more time-consuming as it involves heating and cooling the closed cup before each test, which can make it less practical for high-throughput testing.


  • The closed cup method may not be suitable for some samples that react with air, as the closed environment can affect the test results.

V. ASTM D93 Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester

The ASTM D93 standard test method is used to determine the flash point of petroleum products, biodiesels, solvents, and other liquids with flash points above 40°C (104°F) using the Pensky-Martens closed cup tester. The method is widely used in the petroleum and chemical industries.


The Pensky-Martens closed cup tester consists of a test cup, heating plate, and a thermometer. The test cup is filled with the sample to a specified level and closed with a lid. The temperature of the sample is increased at a specified rate using a heating plate. The lid is then opened periodically to introduce a flame or electric spark and determine if the sample produces a flash. The flash point is the lowest temperature at which the sample produces a flash.

B. Procedure for Determining Flash Point Using Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester

The Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester is a widely used method for determining the flash point of liquids. The procedure involves the following steps:


  1. Prepare the apparatus: The apparatus should be cleaned and assembled properly before use. The thermometer should be checked for accuracy and calibrated if necessary.


  1. Prepare the sample: Pour approximately 70 ml of the sample into the test cup, ensuring that the cup is clean and dry.


  1. Heat the sample: Heat the sample using a heating source with a controlled rate of temperature increase (usually around 5°C per minute). The stirring mechanism should also be turned on during the heating process.


  1. Observe for flash point: Observe the sample continuously during the heating process for any indications of the flash point. The flash point is the temperature at which a flame is observed to pass over the surface of the sample.


  1. Determine the flash point: Record the temperature at which the flash point is observed to occur. This is the flash point of the sample.


  1. Repeat the test: Repeat the test at least two more times to ensure accuracy, using fresh samples each time.


  1. Calculate the average flash point: Calculate the average of the three flash point values obtained to obtain the most accurate result.


  1. Clean the apparatus: Clean the apparatus thoroughly after use to ensure accuracy of future tests.


It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and the relevant standard test method (ASTM D93) carefully to ensure accurate results.

C. Factors Affecting the Determination of Flash Point Using Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester

The determination of flash point using the Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester can be affected by several factors, including:


  1. Sample volume: The volume of the sample can affect the rate of heating and the formation of vapor, which can in turn affect the flash point determination. ASTM D93 recommends a sample volume of 2-4 mL for this method.


  1. Heating rate: The rate of heating can affect the flash point determination. ASTM D93 recommends a heating rate of 5-6°C per minute.


  1. Stirring rate: The stirring rate can affect the temperature uniformity of the sample and the rate of vapor formation. ASTM D93 recommends a stirring rate of 250-300 rpm.


  1. Atmospheric pressure: The atmospheric pressure can affect the formation of vapor and the flash point determination. The Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester is designed to operate at atmospheric pressure.


  1. Calibration: The accuracy of the instrument can be affected by the calibration of the temperature sensor, the barometric pressure sensor, and the flash detection system. ASTM D93 recommends periodic calibration of the instrument according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


  1. Sample composition: The composition of the sample can affect the flash point determination. Samples with high boiling components, such as crude oil or heavy petroleum fractions, can have a high flash point, which may require longer heating times and higher temperatures to reach the flash point.


  1. Contamination: Contamination of the sample or the instrument can affect the flash point determination. Careful cleaning of the instrument and proper handling of the sample can minimize the risk of contamination.


The determination of flash point is an important aspect of handling and managing flammable substances in different industries. Accurate determination of flash point data helps in establishing safe handling procedures and minimizing the risk of fire and explosion. The Cleveland Open Cup and Cleveland Closed Cup methods are commonly used for determining flash point, with the Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester being another popular method. It is important to consider the factors that can affect the determination of flash point, such as sample volume, rate of heating, and atmospheric conditions. Overall, understanding flash point and the various methods used to determine it is crucial for ensuring the safety of individuals and facilities handling flammable substances.

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