Unleaded 88 gas vs 87

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In this article you are going to learn the differences between unleaded 88 gas and unleaded 87 gas.

  • Unleaded 88 gas is a mixture of gasoline and ethanol with 15% ethanol and 85% gasoline.
  • Unleaded 87 gas is a mixture of gasoline and ethanol with 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline.

Unleaded 87 gas is also known as regular gas, it represents (97%) of all gasoline sold in U.S.

unleaded 88 vs 87

Is 88 gas the same as 87?

No, Unleaded 88 gas is not the same as Unleaded 87. Unleaded 88 has a higher ethanol content (15%) compared to Unleaded 87 (10%), resulting in a higher octane rating of 88. The increase in ethanol contributes to the higher octane level.

Differences between unleaded 88 and 87

NoUnleaded 88 Unleaded 87 (regular gas)
1Contains 15% ethanol, Unleaded is also called E15 because it contains 15% ethanolContains 10% ethanol, Unleaded 88 is also called E10 because it contains 10% ethanol.
2Contains 85% gasolineContains 90% gasoline
3Contains 50% more ethanol than unleaded 87Contains 50% less ethanol than unleaded 88
4Has a slightly low energy density as compared to unleaded 87Has a slightly higher energy density as compared to unleaded 88
5Octane rating is 88. Has Octane rating slightly higher than unleaded 87 Octane rating is 87 Has octane rating slightly lower than unleaded 88
6Can only be used in all 2001 and newer cars, trucks and SUVs. This was approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Can be used in all old and newer cars, trucks and SUVs. It can be used in vehicles manufactured before 2001.
7Unleaded 88 cannot be used for non-automotive. Non-automotive uses were not approved by EPA because many non-automotive engines do not have the sophisticated computer controls to adjust for fuel variations.Can be used for both automotive and non-automotive uses
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Cons and pros of unleaded 88 gas

Pros of unleaded 88 gas

Has led to the increase in energy security

Has led to creation of employment opportunities for people who work in the factories, farmers who grow the corns for production of unleaded 88.

it is cheaper than regular gas hence reducing transportation cost.

The ethanol in unleaded 88 reduces carbon emission pollution into the atmosphere hence reducing greenhouse effect.

Cons of unleaded 88 gas

It is not recommended for use in vehicles manufactured before 2001. It is used in 2001 and newer cars, trucks and SUVs

Loss of mileage of 2% as compared to the same gallons of regular gas (87) which is negligible this can be compensated by its cheap price

It is not used for non-automotive purposes. It is only for automotive uses.

Energy density of unleaded 88 is slightly smaller than that of unleaded 87 gas.

1 thought on “Unleaded 88 gas vs 87”

  1. Pingback: Premium gas vs regular gas – Kasinaf

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